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Why language choice doesn’t matter for your development project?

This post points out the reasons that make choosing a language for a specific project irrelevant. Of course, you can find online articles that explain “Why language choice does matter for your development project”. In the end, the choice is yours!


Equivalence of languages

The large majority of development languages are mathematically equivalent. We call them “Turing Complete“. Without going in too much details, this comes down to the fact that whatever you can do with one Turing complete language, you can do with any other Turing complete language. So why bother?

Everything is built on top of it

Is it? There is a large consensus on the fact that separation of concerns is really important in architecture. So good architecture should be able to cope with different languages for different parts, right? With well defined responsibilities and interfaces, why would anyone want to force a specific language for a given module?

Financial aspects

Learning a language involves a lot of effort. IT projects have a long tradition of overrunning both time & budget aspects [CHAOSManifesto2013] while delivering less than what was planned. How would spending more time and money in learning a new language improve this situation?


At this point, you probably wonder why you would ever need to learn a new language. Just to give it a fair shot, we invite you to read a counterpoint to this article before definitely making up your mind.

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