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The Next Activities of our R&D Centre in Marseille

The French branch of EURA NOVA will take part in two great tech events in the following days and weeks.


On the 22nd of February, data scientist Thomas Peel will give a talk titled “Machine Learning à l’ère du RGPD” (Machine learning and the General Data Protection Regulation) on the opening day of the Colloquium intelligence artificielle, machine learning, data science to be held at the grand amphitheatre of the Saint-Charles campus in Marseille. Other great speakers from INRIA, Google, Provence Innovation, and Criteo will be featured. The event is free but registration is mandatory.


Practical information:

What? Colloquium intelligence artificielle, machine learning, data science

When? Thursday 22nd of February

Where? Grand amphithéâtre, campus Saint-Charles, – 3, place Victor Hugo – case 39 – 13331 MARSEILLE Cedex 03

Registration: :


On the 12th of March, the French branch of EURA NOVA is organising the Marseille Community Event, supported by the Neo4j GraphTour. Two speakers are already announced: R&D project manager Cécile Péreaira will present a text-mining use case with Neo4j in biology, and data scientist Antoine Bonnefoy will sum up the Parisian Neo4j conference, from technology and business viewpoints. After the talks, all attendees will be offered a casual dinner to pursue the discussion.


Practical information:

What? Marseille Community Event – Neo4j GraphTour

When? Monday the 12th of March, from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM

Where? Le Wagon, 167 Rue Paradis,  Marseille

Registration: :

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