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Multilingual Enrichment of Disease Biomedical Ontologies

Translating biomedical ontologies is an important challenge, but doing it manually requires much time and money. We study the possibility to use open-source knowledge bases to translate biomedical ontologies. We focus on two aspects: coverage and quality. We look at the coverage of two biomedical ontologies focusing on diseases with respect to Wikidata for 9 European languages (Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese and Spanish) for both, plus Arabic, Chinese and Russian for the second. We first use direct links between Wikidata and the studied ontologies and then use second-order links by going through other intermediate ontologies. We then compare the quality of the translations obtained thanks to Wikidata with a commercial machine translation tool, here Google Cloud Translation.

Léo Bouscarrat, Antoine Bonnefoy, Cécile Capponi, Carlos Ramisch, Multilingual Enrichment of Disease Biomedical Ontologies, Proc. of MultilingualBIO 2020.

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