These past years the Graphics Processing Units have gained popularity and momentum in industrial research thanks to the parallel processing power (# of parallel core) that these offers for a reasonable price. The second reason behind this is their wide hardware availability in the consumer landscape: the sheer price cost of a GPU has favored their presence in most of the consumer devices nowadays, from mobile phones & tablets to video game systems.

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The growing cultural cliff between people and companies


Young entrepreneurs

Today, we see a lot of young developers and designers that grew up with technologies, new social habits and a lot of new tools that did not exist for the previous generation (actually, a generation is no more than 10 years today!).
As a consequence, entrepreneurs in their early 20’s are creating and innovating using technical stacks they have known their whole life, unaware of the details of a CPU, who Turing was and what a methodology can bring to a development project. They just create and diffuse their ideas!
… and people consume their products, get new habits and change their way of viewing/judging things.

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An empirical comparison of graph databases

In this blog post we briefly describe our new contribution to the big data domain, especially, graphDB benchmarking. This work was accepted for publication at 2013 ASE/IEEE International Conference on Big Data.

In this work, we presented a distributed graph database benchmarking framework. We used this tool to analyze the performance of four graph databases: Neo4j 1.9M05 , Titan 0.3, OrientDB 1.3 and DEX 4.7.

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Monthly Buzz – n°6


First let’s take a sneak peek at the smartphone market:

  • the LG G2  which should be the base for the next Google Nexus (5?).
  • the Samsung Galaxy Note 3, the latest iteration of the well known Phablet.
  • the Sony Xperia Z1, the latest flagship from Sony with a massive camera (20,1 mégapixels F 2.0).
  • Apple’s iPhone 5C, a colorful iPhone 5 with a plastic shell.
  • Apple’s iPhone 5s, the first phone with a 64bit processor.
  • the Oppo N1, a Chinese smartphone that officially supports CyanogenMod, the popular Android alternative Rom.

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OpenNebula Conference


And then it’s over, 3 days at the 1st OpenNebula Conference! I took part in 18 talks, put my hands into OpenNebula core, met a lot of interesting people, enjoyed a really nice German dinner in the capital and filled my brain with tons of information and inspiration.

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A distributed approach for graph-oriented multidimensional analysis

The importance of graphs as the fundamental structure underpinning many real world applications is no longer to be proved. Large graphs have emerged in various fields such as biological, social and transportation networks. The sheer volume of these networks poses challenges to traditional techniques for storage and analysis of graph data. In particular, OLAP analysis requires access to large portions of data to extract key information and to feed strategic decision making. OLAP provides multilevel, multiperspective views of the data. Most of the current techniques are optimized for centralized graph processing. A distributed approach providing horizontal scalability is required in order to handle the analysis workload.
In this paper, we focus on applying OLAP analysis on large, distributed graph data. We describe Distributed Graph Cube, our distributed framework for graph-based OLAP cubes computation and aggregation. Experimental results on large, real-world datasets demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms its centralized counterparts. We also evaluate the performance of both Hadoop and Spark for distributed cubes computations.


Benoît Denis, Amine Ghrab, and Sabri Skhiri, A Distributed Approach for Graph-Oriented Multidimensional Analysis, proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Santa Clara, CA, USA, October 2013.

Click here to access the paper.

DEXA, DaWaK 2013

I spent the last week at Prague, Czech Republic, to present my paper entitled “An Analytics-Aware Conceptual Model For Evolving Graphs”. More details on the paper could be found in my previous article.

In this post I will focus more on the trends, and share some of the lessons I learned during this nice travel.


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