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Category: Data science

Analytics-aware graph database modeling

Graphs are a fundamental structure for modeling many real world domains and applications. They have emerged in various fields such as social, informational and transportation networks. The hetero geneity and dynamicity of these

EURA NOVA Master Theses, 2013-2014 Season

Similar to the previous years EURA NOVA R&D has been supervising Master students either for their internship or for their Master Thesis during the 2013-1014 academic year. This year, 5

Projects Portfolio Management (PPM)

For meeting its strategic objectives, a company has to move from a situation A to a situation B. To achieve this move, it uses Projects as vehicles for performing Changes.

Shifting towards an information centric mindset

The Chief Data officer Summit was held in San Francisco on May 22nd & 23rd 2014. EURA NOVA‘s attendance purpose was to assess companies’ current Big Data challenges and to

Testing the Tesla Model S

EURA NOVA recently tested the usually praised Tesla cars (The Model S P85 in our case). While we were impressed by the engineering work behind such a vehicle, some of

Event Based Marketing for the Telecommunications Industry

What is Event Based Marketing? Event Based Marketing (EBM) that frequently is also referred to as Event Driven Marketing (EDM) or Trigger Based Marketing, is the discipline within marketing where

Euranova @GTC14

The GPU Technology Conference is one of those events where cutting-edge technology meets industrial players who are either see an opportunity to invest in the future trends or are able

Big Data in Health Care

Data reuse in health care is a vast topic, one problematic being the anonymization of the data themselves. This is such a complex problem that it’s usually the one in

TechCrunch Disrupt Europe 2013

Last week Cyrille & François have had the chance to attend the “TechCrunch Disrupt Europe 2013” event in Berlin. This event main topic was the booming new technological and venture


CONTEXT These past years the Graphics Processing Units have gained popularity and momentum in industrial research thanks to the parallel processing power (# of parallel core) that these offers for