Euranova has 3 fundamental pillars: explore, craft and serve. The explore pillar of Euranova is an independent research centre dedicated to data science, software engineering and AI.
Through the exploration of tomorrow’s engineering and data science to answer today’s problems, our research centre is dedicated to anticipating the challenges that European businesses face. We find solutions to current and future digital challenges with passion, creativity and integrity.

Euranova has 3 fundamental pillars: explore, craft and serve. The explore pillar of Euranova is an independent research centre dedicated to data science, software engineering and AI.
Through the exploration of tomorrow’s engineering and data science to answer today’s problems, our research centre is dedicated to anticipating the challenges that European businesses face. We find solutions to current and future digital challenges with passion, creativity and integrity.

DMMM: Data Management Maturity Model

The assessment of the digital transformation progress is essential to understand and undertake in order to evaluate the level of maturity of data-driven companies in terms of data capabilities and to plan for improvement actions.

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A Survey of Maturity Models in Data Management

Maturity models are helpful business tools that refine and develop how organizations conduct their businesses and benchmark their maturity status against a scale or with industry peers. They serve to prioritize the actions for improvement better and control the progress in reaching the target maturity stage.

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Towards a Continuous Evaluation of Calibration

For safety-critical systems involving AI components (such as in planes, cars, or healthcare), safety and associated certification tasks are one of the main challenges, which can become costly and difficult to address.

One key aspect is to ensure that the decisions a machine-learning classifier makes are properly calibrated.

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Reinforcement Learning Course at ENSI

Reinforcement learning is one of the most active research areas in artificial intelligence and applies to a wide range of use cases in different sectors. To provide students with the skills needed in a transforming AI landscape, the ENSI school invited us to give a course on the subject.

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Talking Graph Analytics With Students

Last Saturday, our Tunisian team Safa, Ichraf Hamza and Amine took part in the ENSI (Ecole Nationale des Sciences de l’Informatique) virtual forum to share their experience and meet the students! Our graph specialist Amine Ghrab talked to students about the power of graph analytics.

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This document presents internships supervised by our software engineering department or by our research & development department. Each project is an opportunity to feel both empowered and responsible for your own professional development and for your contribution to the company.

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