Second Workshop on Real-Time and Stream Analytics in Big Data

EURA NOVA is thrilled to share the news with you: we are organizing our second workshop collocated with the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data. The workshop will take place in December in Boston, MA, USA.


Stream processing and real-time analytics have caught the interest of the industry lately. Many use cases are waiting for relevant and efficient solutions to be developed. Such use cases include event-driven marketing, dynamic network management & optimization, real-time recommendation, context-aware applications and real-time fraud detection.


After the success of the first edition, this is an excellent opportunity to bring together the industry and academics  to discuss, to explore and to refine new opportunities and use cases in the area. The workshop will benefit  both researchers and practitioners interested in the latest research in real-time and stream processing. The workshop will showcase prototypes and products leveraging big data technologies as well as models, efficient algorithms for scalable complex event processors and context detection engines, or new architecture leveraging stream processing.
Want to submit a paper? Check out the workshop website to find all the information you  will need. Your paper will be reviewed by a prestigious panel of international experts from both the academic and the industrial worlds.

Next Workshop on Graph Business Intelligence

EURA NOVA is organizing their second workshop collocated with an international conference. This time, the workshop will be collocated with  the 21th European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems. It will take place in September in Cyprus and will bring together industrial and academic stakeholders to discuss, explore and refine new opportunities and use cases in the area of Graph Business Intelligence.


Want to be part of the fun? Check out the workshop website to find all the information you need to know and submit your paper. Our researchers Sabri Skhiri, Salim Jouili and Amine Ghrab cannot wait to read your papers and meet you in Nicosia.

Big Data Architectures at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Today and Wednesday (the 13rd and the 15th of March 2017), our R&D Director will be in Barcelona to give a course about Big Data Architectures.

The objective is to learn the basic concepts and details to take into account when designing a Big Data Architecture. The student will learn the impact of technical & functional constraints on the storage and processing choices. Going further the course will show, through industrial use cases, the raise of new architecture patterns. The course includes a practical part with hands-on session on distributed frameworks.

Contents :

  • Terminology & Concepts
  • Distributed architecture
  • Big Data Storage
  • Big Data Processing
  • Big Data Architecture Patterns (Hands-on session)
  • Distributed processing with Apache Flink / Spark
  • Data manipulation with Apache Pig

For more details, contact Oscar Romero ( )

Want to host Sabri Skhiri for a course in your university? Contact

ENX University in Tunis

On the 9th and 10th of May 2017, the R&D Director of EURA NOVA Sabri Skhiri will lecture on Big Data and Data Science at the Polytechnic School of Tunisia. The course will be hosted by the SERCOM laboratory.

After the launch of EURA NOVA Tunis last September, this course will be a new opportunity for us to bond a little more with Tunisians, especially students. Indeed, EURA NOVA offers programmes in collaboration with universities, such as boot camps, master thesis, research internships and PhDs, and engineering internships. We hope that this lecture will make Polytechnic students want to explore Data Science with us and join the pack!


Want to organise a lecture on Big Data and Data Science in your own university? Contact and ask for ENX University offer.


Here is the detailed programme [in French]


Mardi 9 mai 2017: Architecture BIG DATA (partie 1)

Matin (8h30-12h30)

  1. Terminologie et concepts généraux
  2. Architecture distribuée
  3. Stockage du Big Data : NoSQL, NewSQL, Systèmes de fichiers distribués

Pause déjeuner : 12h30-14h

Après-midi : 14h-17h

Travaux pratiques : Préparation de données : Script Pig

    1. Introduction à Pig
    2. Exercice de préparation de données



Mercredi 10 mai 2017 : Architecture BIG DATA (partie 2)

Matin (8h30-12h30)

  1. Traitement du Big Data : Batch et Streaming
  2. Patrons d’architecture Big Data
  3. Architectures adoptées dans des contextes industriels : Etude de cas

Pause déjeuner : 12h30-14h

Après-midi : 14h-17h

Travaux pratiques sur Apache Spark/Flink

    1. Introduction à Flink et commande Scala de base
    2. Traitement de données en batch et en stream





EURA NOVA R&D has a new rallying cry : Join The Pack!

Screenshot from 2016-07-26 17-35-03


After launching our first bootcamp, we are organising our first workshop colocated with IEEE conference. The workshop will take place in December in Washington D.C. and will bring together industrial and academic stakeholders to discuss, explore and refine new opportunities and use cases in the area of stream processing and real-time analytics in big data.

Indeed, stream processing and real-time analytics have caught the interest of the industry lately. Many use cases are waiting for relevant and efficient solutions to be developed. Such use cases include event-driven marketing, dynamic network management & optimization, real-time recommendation, context-aware applications and real-time fraud detection.

The workshop will showcase prototypes or products leveraging big data technologies as well as models and efficient algorithms for scalable complex event processors and context detection engines. Here is a short list of research topics to inspire you :

  • New stream processing architecture for big data.
  • Complex event processing for big data, pattern matching engines for big data.
  • Scalable real-time decision algorithms.
  • Scalable stream processing architecture, algorithms or models.
  • Stream SQL and other continuous query languages on big data frameworks.
  • Algorithms for high-speed data stream mining.
  • On-line/incremental learning on data streams.

Your paper will be reviewed by a panel of academic as well as industrial experts.  

Find more information about program co-chairs and members on the workshop website and submit your paper to join the Euranovian pack!

Don’t miss the chance to be part of an IEEE conference and to see Washington under the snow.




EURA NOVA is launching an intense 3-month I.T. boot camp starting September 2017.

Flink Forward 2015


The first edition of Flink Forward took place past October 12th and 13th in Berlin. Flink Forward is two-day conference exclusively dedicated to Apache Flink, the distributed pipelined batch and streaming processing framework. EURA NOVA was present among the speakers of the event. Here is our field report.

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ICML 2015


ICML Lille


The International Conference on Machine Learning is one of the most important annual event in the world of machine learning. The place is where the most renowned researchers in the field gather to present and share their -often diverging – vision and directions for the future. As such, the event is sponsored by most of the biggest companies in IT such as Google, Baidu and Facebook. It also attracts numerous smaller companies with particular interest in big data in its wake.

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