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Category: Engineering

Master Thesis Offers 2022-2023

We offer master thesis supervised by our research & development department. Each project is an opportunity to feel both empowered and responsible for your own professional development and for your

Automatic Parameter Tuning for Big Data Pipelines

Big data frameworks generally constitute a pipeline, each having a different role. This makes tuning big data pipelines an important yet difficult task given the size of the search space.

15 Papers in 2021: the outputs

The only way to master knowledge is to explore and enrich it. As we look back on the year 2021, we are proud to say that our R&D department has

2021 Wrap Up

We got a deep dive into some of the most memorable moments of 2021.


This document presents internships supervised by our software engineering department or by our research & development department. Each project is an opportunity to feel both empowered and responsible for your

Advancing Innovation in Data Management

To build a data-driven economy across Europe and create a significant competitive advantage for European industry, companies will have to address the challenges in the data engineering and management domain.

We Join The Stream Reasoning Workshop 2021

The research community at its best! This week, our research director Sabri Skhiri flew to Milan with other leaders in stream reasoning. They meet to push further efficient decision-making and

Our Research Director Invited as PC Member at IEEE Big Data

We are very proud of our research director Sabri Skhiri for joining the program committee of IEEE Big Data 2021! He will be the only Belgian and one of the

Our Research Director Is Co-chair at DEBS 2021 [Call for Paper]

Congratulations to our research director Sabri Skhiri on his appointment as industry co-chair of the international conference on distributed and event-based systems.


This document presents internships supervised by our software engineering department or by our research & development department. Each project is an opportunity to feel both empowered and responsible for your