Pruning Random Forest with Orthogonal Matching Trees

In this paper we propose a new method to reduce the size of Breiman’s Random Forests. Given a RandomForest and a target size, our algorithm builds a linear combination of trees which minimizes the training error. Selected trees, as well as weights of the linear combination are obtained by means of the Orthogonal Matching Pursuit algorithm. We test our method on many public benchmark datasets both on regression and binary classification, and we compare it to other pruning techniques. Experiments show that our technique performs significantly better or equally good on many datasets1. We also discuss the benefit and short-coming of learning weights for the pruned forest which lead us to propose to use a non-negative constraint on the OMP weights for better empirical results.

Luc Giffon, Charly Lamothe, Léo Bouscarrat, Paolo Milanesi, Farah Cherfaoui, and Sokol Ko, Pruning Random Forest with Orthogonal Matching Trees, Proc. of CAP 2020.

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Multilingual Enrichment of Disease Biomedical Ontologies

Translating biomedical ontologies is an important challenge, but doing it manually requires much time and money. We study the possibility to use open-source knowledge bases to translate biomedical ontologies. We focus on two aspects: coverage and quality. We look at the coverage of two biomedical ontologies focusing on diseases with respect to Wikidata for 9 European languages (Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese and Spanish) for both, plus Arabic, Chinese and Russian for the second. We first use direct links between Wikidata and the studied ontologies and then use second-order links by going through other intermediate ontologies. We then compare the quality of the translations obtained thanks to Wikidata with a commercial machine translation tool, here Google Cloud Translation.

Léo Bouscarrat, Antoine Bonnefoy, Cécile Capponi, Carlos Ramisch, Multilingual Enrichment of Disease Biomedical Ontologies, Proc. of MultilingualBIO 2020.

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TopoGraph: an End-To-End Framework to Build and Analyze Graph Cubes

Graphs are a fundamental structure that provides an intuitive abstraction for modelling and analyzing complex and highly interconnected data. Given the potential complexity of such data, some approaches proposed extending decision-support systems with multidimensional analysis capabilities over graphs. In this paper, we introduce TopoGraph, an end-to-end framework for building and analyzing graph cubes. TopoGraph extends the existing graph cube models by defining new types of dimensions and measures and organizing them within a multidimensional space that guarantees multidimensional integrity constraints. This results in defining three new types of graph cubes: property graph cubes, topological graph cubes, and graph-structured cubes. Afterwards, we define the algebraic OLAP operations for such novel cubes. We implement and experimentally validate TopoGraph with different types of real-world datasets.


The paper will be published soon in Information Systems Frontiers, and is already available online on Springer. Currently, it is unfortunately available only to subscribers, but do not hesitate to reach out to us for more information!


Amine Ghrab, Oscar Romero, Sabri Skhiri, Esteban Zimányi, TopoGraph: an End-To-End Framework to Build and Analyze Graph Cubes, published in Information Systems Frontiers (2020).



A Performance Prediction Model for Spark Applications

Apache Spark is a popular open-source distributed-processing framework that enables efficient processing of massive amounts of data. It has a large number of parameters that need to be tuned to get the best performance. However, tuning these parameters manually is a complex and time-consuming task. Therefore, a robust performance model to predict applications execution time could greatly help in accelerating the deployment and optimization of big data applications relying on Spark. In this paper, we ran extensive experiments on a selected set of Spark applications that cover the most common workloads to generate a representative dataset of execution time. In addition, we extracted application and data features to build a machine learning-based performance model to predict Spark applications execution time. The experiments show that boosting algorithms achieved better results compared to other algorithms.

Florian Demesmaeker, Amine Ghrab, Usama Javaid, Ahmed Amir Kanoun, A Performance Prediction Model for Spark Applications, in the proceedings of Big Data congress 2020.

Click here to access the paper in its preprint form.

GraphOpt: Framework for Automatic Parameters Tuning of Graph Processing Frameworks

Finding the optimal configuration of a black-box system is a difficult problem that requires a lot of time and human labor. Big data processing frameworks are among the increasingly popular systems whose tuning is a complex and time consuming. The challenge of automatically finding the optimal parameters of big data frameworks attracted a lot of research in recent years. Some of the studies focused on optimizing specific frameworks such as distributed stream processing, or finding the best cloud configurations, while others proposed general services for optimizing any black-box system. In this paper, we introduce a new use case in the domain of automatic parameter tuning: optimizing the parameters of distributed graph processing frameworks. This task is notably difficult given the particular challenges of distributed graph processing that include the graph partitioning and the iterative nature of graph algorithms.

To address this challenge, we designed and implemented GraphOpt: an efficient and scalable black-box optimization framework that automatically tunes distributed graph processing frameworks. GraphOpt implements state-of-the-art optimization algorithms and introduces a new hill-climbing-based search algorithm. These algorithms are used to optimize the performance of two major graph processing frameworks: Giraph and GraphX. Extensive experiments were run on GraphOpt using multiple graph benchmarks to evaluate its performance and show that it provides up to 47.8% improvement compared to random search and an average improvement of up to 5.7%.

Muaz Twaty, Amine Ghrab, Skhiri Sabri: GraphOpt: a Framework for Automatic Parameters Tuning of Graph Processing Frameworks. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data) Workshops, Los Angeles, CA, USA.

The paper was published at the third IEEE International Workshop on Benchmarking, Performance Tuning and Optimization for Big Data Applications (BPOD 2019).

You can access it here in its preprint version.

Do not hesitate to contact our R&D department at to discuss how you can leverage graph processing in your projects.

STRASS: A Light and Effective Method for Extractive Summarization

This paper introduces STRASS: Summarization by TRAnsformation Selection and Scoring. It is an extractive text summarization method which leverages the semantic information in existing sentence embedding spaces. Our method creates an extractive summary by selecting the sentences with the closest embeddings to the document embedding. The model learns a transformation of the document embedding to minimize the similarity between the extractive summary and the ground truth summary. As the transformation is only composed of a dense layer, the training can be done on CPU, therefore, inexpensive. Moreover, inference time is short and linear according to the number of sentences. As a second contribution, we introduce the French CASS dataset, composed of judgments from the French Court of cassation and their corresponding summaries. On this dataset, our results show that our method performs similarly to the state of the art extractive methods with effective training and inferring time.

Léo Bouscarrat, Antoine Bonnefoy, Thomas Peel, Cécile Pereira, STRASS: A Light and Effective Method for Extractive Summarization Based on Sentence Embeddings, in 2019 ACL Student Research Workshop, Florence, Italy.

Click here to access the paper.

Florence, Italy

LEAD: A Formal Specification For Event Processing

Processing event streams is an increasingly important area for modern businesses aiming to detect and efficiently react to critical situations in near real-time. The need to govern the behaviour of systems where such streams exist has led to the development of numerous Complex Event Processing (CEP) engines, capable of detecting patterns and analyzing event streams. Although current CEP systems provide real-time analysis foundations for a variety of applications, several challenges arise due to languages’ limitations and imprecise semantics, as well as the lack of power to handle big data requirements. In this paper, we discuss such systems, analyzing some of the most sensitive issues in this domain. Further, in this context, we present our contributions expressed in LEAD, a formal specification for processing complex events. LEAD provides an algebra that consists of a set of operators for constructing complex events (patterns), temporally restricting the construction process and choosing among several selection and consumption policies. We show how to build LEAD rules to demonstrate the expressive power of our approach. Furthermore, we introduce a novel approach of interpreting these rules into a logical execution plan, built with temporal prioritized coloured petri nets.

Anas Al Bassit, Skhiri Sabri, LEAD: A Formal Specification For Event Processing, in 13Th ACM international Conference on distributed and event-based systems 2019

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Coherence Regularization for Neural Topic Models

Neural topic models aim to predict the words of a document given the document itself. In such models, perplexity is used as a training criterion, whereas the final quality measure is topic coherence. In this work, we introduce a coherence regularization loss that penalizes incoherent topics during the training of the model. We analyze our approach using coherence and an additional metric – exclusivity, responsible for the uniqueness of the terms in topics. We argue that this combination of metrics is an adequate indicator of the model quality. Our results indicate the effectiveness of our loss and the potential to be used in the future neural topic models.

The paper will be published at the 16th International Symposium on Neural Networks taking place in Moscow. In the meantime, do not hesitate to contact our R&D department at to discuss how you can leverage neural topic models in your projects.

Katsiaryna Krasnashchok, Aymen Cherif, Coherence Regularization for Neural Topic Models. in 16th International Symposium on Neural Networks 2019 (ISNN 2019)

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Improving Topic Quality by Promoting Named Entities in Topic Modeling

In July, our R&D engineer Katherine Krasnoschok was in Melbourne, Australia to attend the ACL conference. She presented her poster on topic modelling. Her paper, co-written with Salim Jouili, indicates that involving more named entities positively influences the overall quality of topics.

News-related content has been extensively studied in both topic modeling research and named entity recognition. However, expressive power of named entities and their potential for improving the quality of discovered topics has not received much attention. In this paper, we use named entities as domain-specific terms for news-centric content and present a new weighting model for Latent Dirichlet Allocation. Our experimental results indicate that involving more named entities in topic descriptors positively influences the overall quality of topics, improving their interpretability, specificity and diversity.

Katsiaryna Krasnashchok, Salim Jouili, Improving Topic Quality by Promoting Named Entities in Topic Modeling, Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers). Vol. 2. 2018.

Click here to access the paper.

Data Mining and ML Techniques Supporting TBS Concept Deployment

Our paper “Data Mining and Machine Learning Techniques supporting Time-based Separation Concept Deployment”, co-written with Eurocontrol and WaPT, has been accepted by the 37th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC) in London, U.K.

The paper presents two methods to allow air traffic controllers to deliver separation minima accurately and safely, on the basis of time intervals instead of distances.

Importantly, in strong headwind conditions,  the aircraft’s groundspeed during approach decreases, meaning that keeping the distance-based separation method results in  lower landing rates. At a time of intensified air traffic, this situation leads to considerable delays at airports with significant costs to operators and travellers.

With the new methods presented in the paper, capacity can increase by up to 14% in strong wind conditions, and by up to 8% in moderate wind conditions.

The paper has been presented in September at DASC 2018. If you wish to go deeper into the subject, do not hesitate to contact our research department at

The abstract

The Time-Based Separation (TBS) concept consists in the definition of separation minima for aircraft on the final approach to a runway based on time intervals instead of distances, as applied in Distance-Based Separation (DBS) operations.

TBS allows for dynamic distance separation reductions in strong headwind conditions so as to preserve time spacing across all wind conditions. However, TBS application entails the use of a support tool providing separation distance indicators depending on the applicable time separation minimum, the aircraft speed profile which also depends on the headwind conditions.

This paper details two methodologies allowing a system to compute those TBS indicators so as to allow Air Traffic Controllers to accurately and safely deliver the TBS minima using a separation delivery support tool. The first approach is based on “analytical” data mining and modelling whereas the second one is based on a Machine Learning (M/L) procedure.

In the framework of the deployment of the TBS concept in Vienna airport (LOWW), those approaches are developed and tested using a database covering one year of traffic and corresponding local meteorological data.

The operation of TBS with indicators computed using either approaches leads to substantial diminution of time separations compared to a DBS strategy. However, given the large uncertainties related both to leader and follower aircraft speed profiles, the buffers could be designed only for the most frequent pairs. With the M/L approach (resp. the “analytical” approach), the capacity benefits related to the application of TBS with a separation support tool are of the order of 8% (resp. 2%) in moderate wind conditions, and up to 14% (resp. 10%) in strong wind conditions.

De Visscher, I.; Stempfel, G.; Rooseleer, F. & Treve, V.; Data mining and Machine Learning techniques supporting Time-Based Separation concept deployment, in 37th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), pp 594-603, London, UK, September 23-27, 2018